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Sunday 20 April 2014

10 Online Business Ideas For Computer Lovers

Hello  technology  lovers!

This time i come with an interesting yet profitable article about online Jobs and businesses.
After hearing  from  lots  of  people  including geeks like me talking  of a lack of jobs/money in the IT Field especially if you don't  work  for a co-prate organization. Well, I think it depends on what you can do with your skills. Some of us are Programers and can create cool applications, others are Network engineers, Bloggers, Facebook and internet addicts, Graphics designers, web developers ETC. But what ever you can do with computers and the internet, It's got value some where Today i will lay out the different jobs / businesses that can earn you money. on the internet.

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1. Website flipping

This involves buying undeveloped websites or developing your own websites, then sell them for profit.

2. Web host reselling

In this business, you will buy web hosting and resell them into different packages for profit.

3. Blogging

Blogging is one of my favorite activities on the internet.with more interesting blog post's,The wider your audience grows.With more audience, You have the ability to attract advertisers to your blog.

4. Social media management services

Make money by managing different social media platforms  for  businesses (ex. Facebook pages, Twitter profiles, Google+ pages, and YouTube channels) alive and engaging.

5. Content writing

Create quality content and articles for businesses on their websites.This  is  usually easily  done  if  you  are  a good article writer.

6. Web application development

Develop Facebook apps and other web applications for business and marketing purposes.

7. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) services

A lot of websites are uploaded every day.Businesses  need there business  websites to be easily found in  search engines.Help companies and businesses rank their web pages higher on the search engines, like Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

8. Website design and development

With the help of today technology. Web development  is becoming easier and easier every day.Create and design corporate websites to help them build their Internet presence.

9. Create online directories and other money making websites.

Develop online yellow pages and charge companies for their business listings. You many also create online classified ads, forums, and other community sites.

10. Social media marketing services

Finally i bring Social media marketing. Now you have an idea of how some people depend on this business.It's not really  that  hard.You just need time, a computer and internet.Then you are ready to go Help promote companies and their brands on social media, like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

That's all i herd for you today. i f you have any other business ideas you'd like to share. Please Write in the comment section. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Mobile app development is the easiest field to engage and fastest growing.. I currently create mobile games but i have had a long struggle with debit and credit cards to sign up for a developers account.. But as of now i have an account on google developers and will probably publish my first game this week... Talk about in app advertising and the widest markets...


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Alittle About Me

I am an open minded person with a great interest in computer networks, programming and cyber security. My love for computers started way back since elementary school where I din't have access to the internet nor did I have a computer at my disposal. In the long run at the right time, the love I had for so long was taken to the next level when I was granted internet access and mostly, A computer at my disposal. This allowed me to develop and enhance my skills more effectively. Currently on a cyber... Continue Reading

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