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Thursday 7 August 2014

Stop Sharing USB Flash Disks."Right Now"

It's time to start thinking of  USB Flash drives like toothbrushes or under wares -- for personal use only.

A German security research team has discovered that USB-connected devices have a fatal flaw. Anything that connects via USB can be reprogrammed to pose as another device.
That means a stranger's USB stick could dupe your computer into thinking it's a keyboard, then type in certain commands and quietly take control of your computer. Perhaps your network too.
By posing as a network card, It can then reroute your Internet traffic so everything you do can be spied on. Usb disks can be alot to handel when it comes to Identity theft, bank fraud, extortion, you name it.

A few Cyber security experts, like Rapid7's Trey Ford, say the danger of sharing USB devices have been spotted before."The implications are now clear. Downloading the wrong app can infect your phone, then compromise your computer. And borrowing a stranger's USB stick could infect your computer permanently." Said Karsten Nohl SR Labs chief scientist , also a member of the team that discovered the flaw,
 Nohl also said: "Someone asking, 'Can I charge my Android on your computer?' will have a much different connotation in the future,"
As said by Nohl"The implications are now clear" But hey, problem remains since modern day antivirus and protection software won't catch it because USB duping isn't technically a computer virus, just a device posing/Impersonating as another one. So, there's no solution for it right now

These kind of hacks haven't been reported any where here in Uganda. but hey, you never know when it gets here or even if it's already here. in this error of .com, knowlege is only a click away.

At this point you can only hold our Flash drives and smart phones tight + our computer's USB ports secure as you wait for a more secure way to interact with UBS Drives


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Alittle About Me

I am an open minded person with a great interest in computer networks, programming and cyber security. My love for computers started way back since elementary school where I din't have access to the internet nor did I have a computer at my disposal. In the long run at the right time, the love I had for so long was taken to the next level when I was granted internet access and mostly, A computer at my disposal. This allowed me to develop and enhance my skills more effectively. Currently on a cyber... Continue Reading

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