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Saturday 15 February 2014


Did you know that one can easily look at what you are doing on your computer no mater how far he is?

Well, to day we'll discus on a very easy easy way to monitor a computers activity using a keylogger called Emis. This tool takes screenshots of the victim computer and sends the information to your Email (gmail) along with the logs

With this simple trick, You will be able to see what your victim computer is doing, What time he is doing it, All Links he goes to, What websites they visit, Some times, Even what passwords they Use, What videos they watch, Music they listen to. ETC

So. Let's Roll:

Step 1

 Download Emis Key-logger 

Step 2

Open Emis Key-logger to enter your Gmail and password [Just to be clear, don't use your personal gmail unless you don't mind ]
I recommend you open a new gmail for testing this trick. after filling the info. click on test email. You should get an email in gmail.


- Block AV Sites : Blocks Virus Scanning Websites on victim's computer
-TaskManager: Disable TaskManager on victim's PC
-Regedit: Disable Regedit on victim's PC

Step 4

Click on Build.
An extra file will be created called server or the name you typed in emiss. This is the file you send to your victims and when they click on it, Their computer starts sending you reports of what they have been using the computer for. The reports are all generated to your gmail. + every report sent will included at least one screen shot of the computer.
You may as well use soft wares like Crypter to bind this server file with say any. Mp3 file so that whenever victim runs mp3 file, server is automatically installed on his computer without his knowledge.

Step 5

Upload it to Free File Storage Domains, like Mediafire, Speedyshare,, etc.

That's it.
Now all you need to do is start spreading it. just make sure you make your file has an attractive name that one would be curious to open it.

Once the victim runs the keylogger file on the computer, the tool starts right away collecting and sending reports on his computer to his email

Here some images:


In a mail:

Simple. right?

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  1. The File is A Virus(You can scan it on (

    1. It's a tool that makes a File that can Send you real time updates of any computer u put it. So yes, Even an ordinary Antivirus should see it as a virus. But no waries, it is bcause it can make a virus.

  2. so should i upload Crypter with the key?

    1. Upload the file that was out put by crypter if you must use crypter

    2. can you show me where can i get crypter or can send it to me?
      please oo so, man help me.


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Alittle About Me

I am an open minded person with a great interest in computer networks, programming and cyber security. My love for computers started way back since elementary school where I din't have access to the internet nor did I have a computer at my disposal. In the long run at the right time, the love I had for so long was taken to the next level when I was granted internet access and mostly, A computer at my disposal. This allowed me to develop and enhance my skills more effectively. Currently on a cyber... Continue Reading

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