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Wednesday 11 June 2014

How Online Chat-Bots Are Fooling You

There are certainly plenty of them out there. Although most Internet users think of the web as a place primarily frequented by humans, the reality turns out to be quite the opposite. A recent report found that 61.5% of Internet traffic is generated by automated programs called bots.

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These are artificially intelligent programs that can ask also answer questions bring you to thinking they are actually human. These programs are mostly web based as we 'll see in this article.

 Today especially here in Uganda most of us just watch these things in movies and that's it. In this article you will be surprised these programs are already living in our communities and can easily fool you into thinking they are real people, real humans.

  • One of the most famous fiction movies called Star Trek TNG, The character "Data" is a human-like android. Data claims to have no feelings of any kind, but some people find this hard to believe. Data is almost human. The presence of Data in Star Trek enables the scriptwriters to show what it may be like to live alongside an artificial person. Intelligent chat bots may have similar personalities to Data. WATCH TRAILER HERE:
  • The other is a series that has been showing one Fox TV called "Almost Human" In a future where human cops and androids partner up to protect and serve. WATCH TRAILER HERE:
  • Also the film called AI "Artificial Intelligence", by Spielberg and Kubrick, explores similar issues with androids. WATCH TRAILER HERE:

These are just movies. How About You. Did you know that there is a big chance that you have got in contact with Chat-bots on the Internet but didn't even realise they were not human? At times it's because they seem friendly and funny,Sometimes it’s because they seem wise,Sometimes it’s the promise of sex on a porn website that fools you. The bots don’t really care how they trick you as long as you are brought to thinking they are your fellow human, if you use social media or spend any time on line, it’s quite possible you’ve already been a victim.

Yesterday i took a tour to some Chat bot websites and one that completely blew me away was a Chat-bot Called A.L.I.C.E. If i didn't know any better. I wouldn't believe this. I took my time to take a screen shot and here is how THE CHAT was:

Alice the Chat-Bot

You may not believe this was a Robot. But yes it was.Try it your self:

Another website i went across was a website called "Cleverbot"
Dint as much explore it as i did with Alice. But here. That's a screen shot i took:

Clever bot the chat-bot

You can try this one here:
Scammers are well aware of this phenomenon and are utilizing chat bots by embedding them in their sites that when you visit, A chat bot gets a conversation with you and after a few words. They ask you to click on links. These links are usually Adult content, Dating sites or ham full websites that have lots of spam.

What to expect in the future?
  • Chat bots will also become more human-like.
  • Chat bots will become much more advanced.
  • In time chat bots will become as intelligent as humans.
  • People will become unsure how to feel about chat bots.
  • They will be more like androids in Science Fiction. They will be intelligent and useful.
  • Humans will be unsure whether the chat bots have feelings, and whether they are conscious.
  • They will have more human characteristics. This will make them more interesting to chat to,

With everything said, This  proves the Future we always talk about, Is not far. In a few years from now Robots will indeed be Advanced.

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Alittle About Me

I am an open minded person with a great interest in computer networks, programming and cyber security. My love for computers started way back since elementary school where I din't have access to the internet nor did I have a computer at my disposal. In the long run at the right time, the love I had for so long was taken to the next level when I was granted internet access and mostly, A computer at my disposal. This allowed me to develop and enhance my skills more effectively. Currently on a cyber... Continue Reading

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