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Tuesday 16 September 2014

How to Change Your Processor's Name Permanently

Changing your processor name is a tricky thing all together. In my past experience

It was possible to change the processors name but it would only change temporarily and The name reverted back to the original one  After a restart,

 How to go around the above, It needs you to It is easy to change your processor name permanently by creating a registry key and placing a shortcut to it in the Windows start up folder.

To do so, just follow the steps below:


 Open Notepad to Copy and paste the exact code given below:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"ProcessorNameString"="Your Processor name 50000MHz"


Edit the part of the code given in Red. Also understand that \0 in the above code should only be present if Windows store your processor name at that location. Open the Registry Editor and navigate to the above mentioned keys to check whether or not to include the \0.


Save the file as ProcessorName.reg or *.reg. (Your Choice)


Find the file you created and right click on it and go to "send to" then select "Desktop"(This will create a shortcut on the desktop)


Now copy the short cut from desktop.


Navigate to[ C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup (in Windows XP) or to C:\Users\ User-Name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup (in Windows 8, Windows 7 ]. Remember that AppData is a hidden folder.) So use folder options to unhide all folders.

 And lastly:

Paste the copied file.


This registry file would now execute each time when Windows starts and the Processor Name String would be modified each time. This means that even upon restarting your computer, you will see that the changed processor name you made it to be.

Any questions, Please Post it in the comment section. I promise to solve it.

Also Read: << A Simple Computer Trick to make Your Computer screen Matrix >>

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1 comment:

  1. NO FUCTION ON W7 ULTIMATE OR 8.1. The .reg can not be fuction automatically


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Alittle About Me

I am an open minded person with a great interest in computer networks, programming and cyber security. My love for computers started way back since elementary school where I din't have access to the internet nor did I have a computer at my disposal. In the long run at the right time, the love I had for so long was taken to the next level when I was granted internet access and mostly, A computer at my disposal. This allowed me to develop and enhance my skills more effectively. Currently on a cyber... Continue Reading

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